yu4 bei4 shi4 – Prepare

1. 起势
qi3 shi4 – Opening

2. 拦雀尾
lan2 que4 wei2 – Grasp Bird’s Tail

3. 野马分鬃
ye3 ma3 fen1 zong1 – Parting Horse’s Mane (Left)

4. 玉女穿梭(右左)
yu4 nu3 chuan1 suo1 (you4 zuo3) – Fair Lady Works with Shuttle (Right and Left)

5. 搂膝拗步
lou1 xi1 ao3 bu4 – Brush Knee and Push

6. 金鸡独立(左右)
jin1 ji1 du2 li4 (zuo3 you4) – Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg (Left and Right)

7. 倒撵猴(左右)
dao4 nian3 hou2 (zuo3 you4) – Repulse Monkey (Left and Right)

8. 高探马穿掌
gao1 tan4 ma3 chuan1 zhang3 – High pat on Horse and Thrust Palm

9. 右分脚
you4 fen1 jiao3 – Right Separation Kick

10. 左蹬脚
zuo3 deng1 jiao3 – Left Heel Kick

11. 双峰灌耳
shuang1 feng1 guan4 er3 – Twin Fists Box Ears

12. 撤步海底针
che4 bu4 hai3 di3 zhen1 – Step Back Needle at the Sea Bottom

13. 云手(左右)
yun2 shou3 (zuo3 you4) – Cloud Hands (Left and Right)

14. 单鞭下势
dan1 bian1 xia4 shi4 – Single Whip/Low Form

15. 上步七星
shang4 bu4 qi1 xing1 – Step Forward Seven Stars

16. 退步跨虎
tui4 bu4 kua4 hu3 – Step Back and Ride the Tiger

17. 转身摆莲
zhuan3 shen1 bai3 lian2 – Turn Body and Swing Over Lotus

18. 弯弓射虎
wan1 gong1 she4 hu3 – Bend Bow Shoot Tiger

19. 进步搬拦捶
jin4 bu4 ban1 lan2 chui2 – Step Forward, Parry, Block and Punch

20. 如封似闭
ru2 feng1 si4 bi4 – Apparent Close-up

21. 十字手
shi2 zi4 shou3 – Cross Hands

22. 收势
shou1 shi4 – Closing Form

huan2 yuan2 – Return to Original State